Monday 22 September 2014

Warm Bodies Opening Two Minutes.

In the first two minutes of the hit movie Warm Bodies, we see a zombie who is walking through an abandoned airport which is filled with reanimated corpses, otherwise known as zombies. We hear the main Zombie, in a ragged red hoodie and jeans, talking about what he should do better with his life in a sarcastic tone as he is a zombie. ‘Why can’t I connect with people? Oh right, it’s because I’m dead.’ Is one of the lines that gives it away that he is speaking with sarcasm. He also describes the other zombie’s jobs but we only hear the voice in his head as his lips do not move during the whole of the audio. ‘Sometimes I like to look at others (other zombies) and imagine what they were.’ The main zombie never reveals his name in the first two minutes.

The title is written in an orange, cursive font as well as the actors, producers and directors names being in that colour and font also. This gives off the effect of the film may be a romantic film also as well as a horror and comedy. Writing in cursive relates back to when women and men would write love letters to each other. The words are in orange because the word ‘Warm’ is in the title and orange is a secondary warm colour.

The Genre of this film would be a comedy or a horror because we can hear the main zombie sarcastically talking about life improvements but it could also be a horror film due to it being about zombies which eat humans. There is also a slight jump scare in the opening where the ‘personal trainer’ zombie runs and hits the glass wall which is very sudden which causes our reactions to be slightly delayed, causing a jump scare..  The target audience for this film is around the ages of thirteen and over. I do not believe that this film would be entirely suitable for younger children without an adult present.

The opening scene is set in an abandoned airport with zombies everywhere which is can also be associated with being a horror as it shows that the zombies have taken over and have all the power. There is another character introduced which the main character calls Boneys. They seem to have all of the power over both the humans and the zombies.

The music of the opening scene is quite jolly and sounds like it may belong in an elevator. It’s quite old fashioned and is also an acoustic type track. The music may also relate to one of the characters’ lives. It could represent the main zombies past life as a human before he was bitten and turned in to the zombie he is.

The monologue by the main zombie sounds as though he may have a dry throat. You can hear his voice cracking places and the rasp of his voice clearly as he is the only one speaking and the music for the scene is not too loud that you cannot hear the main character’s voice. Although, it is slightly unusual to hear a zombie talking in a film even if it is just his mind talking. You only usually hear the sounds of zombies groaning and zombies are always associated with having to brain or intelligence to actually talk or produce understandable words. This also shows that it may be a comedy as it is something unusual and he may have different thoughts on different subjects.

The camera angles used in the opening scene are an establishing shot, where you can see everything that is around, a tracking shot, where the camera follows the character around, and also close up shots, where the camera is very close to the characters face and you can see their face clearly. The main shot that is used is an establishing shot where you can see everything in the scene around the main character. The first shot we see is an extreme close up of the main characters eyes as he begins the voice over where he tells the audience about himself and his life.

The clothing that the main character is wearing is very ragged and dirty as we would assume it was from his time of being a zombie whilst eating human’s brains. It is evident that some humans may have tried to kill the main character at some point as we can see different tears in his hoodie and jeans.  There is also dried blood and mould around each tear and is also smeared over his shirt, hoodie and jeans. His eyes are a light blue/ grey and are slightly blood-shot, he also had a red rim around his eyes which shows he his distressed, weak and one of the living dead. His lips are chapped and have a black rim inside of his mouth with a medium grey covering his lips which blends in to his skin tone which is a lighter grey as he is a member of the living dead. The zombies that surround the main character in the abandoned airport have a similar attire to him, ripped and bloody clothes. 

Favourite Genres.

One of my favourite genres is Horror. From the hardly terrifying Final Destination to the mortifying Saw. Horror movies often contain Blood, Screaming and a villain. I love to watch horror films to gain the adrenaline rush from being scared. One of my favourite horror films is Carrie, the 1976 version as well as the 2013 version.

Musical Themed.
Another of my favourite genres is Music related films which include Hairspray, Wizard of Oz and Sweeny Todd. Musicals are one of my favourite genres because the songs make the film feel a lot more alive and happy. I also love to learn the songs so the next time I watch the film, I could sing along. My favourite musical film is definitely If I Stay as it has an amazing story line, which is based on the book, and the songs that are included in the film are amazing.
My all-time favourite genre of film is definitely Fantasy. I love the different races of mystical creatures that each film portrays. Fantasy films usually have a main character and a story line that contains battles, adventure and mystery. My favourite fantasy film is The Lord of the Rings/ The Hobbit which are adaptations of the J.R.R Tolkien book. Peter Jackson brings the books to life through each individual character and every scene from the book.

Friday 19 September 2014

Genre Conventions.

Film Titles
Explosions, Guns, Hero, Villain, Car chases, fight scenes, plot twist.
James Bond. The Avengers. Die Hard. Indiana Jones.
Two people falling in love. Kissing, Hugging, Dramatic scenes.
If I Stay. Twilight. The Notebook. Titanic.
Blood, knives, guns, screaming, scary. Hero. Villain.
The Exorcist. Paranormal Activity. 28 days later.
Mythical and mystical creatures/characters. Fights. Hero. Villain. Power. Kings/Queens.
The Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit. Avatar. Harry Potter. Scott Pilgrim vs The World.
Laughing. Jokes. Funny characters. Relatable characters/scenes.
American Pie. Grown Ups. Bridesmaids.  Superbad.

Thursday 11 September 2014

Favourite Directors.

Peter Jackson and J.J Abrams.
My favorite directors are definitely Peter Jackson and J.J Abrams because they both have directed fantasy films that have been absolutely fantastic. I could not pick just one director because J.J Abrams and Peter Jackson are two people I do not want to have to choose between.

J.J Abrams is one of my favorite directors because he has directed both of the latest Star Trek films which happen to be one of my favorite series of films. Star Trek Into Darkness was what I believe to be the best film that he has directed. The actors that he had chosen to portray characters such as Jim Kirk, Chris Pine, and Khan, Benedict Cumberbatch, were a brilliant choice. He also has directed the second film in the Star Wars Trilogy.

Peter Jackson has to be one of the most iconic directors of all time as he has directed such films as: The Lord of the Rings trilogy, The Hobbit trilogy and King Kong. Peter Jackson directed The Lord Of the Rings and The Hobbit so wonderfully as he really captured each of the mythical characters that J.R.R Tolkien had originally created in his books. The characters are portrayed with so many similarities to what they are in the books.