Thursday 26 February 2015

How are social groups represented in your production?

In our film, a group of young friends decide to try out a Ouija board. This can be interpreted as naïve. They walk in to a seemingly abandoned house and continue to use Ouija board. They proceed to talk to the supposed demon inside the house…

The stereotypes that we initially wanted to portray in our film were: The jock, the nerd, the average guy, the ‘dark’ guy and the girl. Each character wears the appropriate clothing to fit their characters, e.g. the nerd wears skinny jeans and a superman shirt and the girl was wearing ‘girly’ type clothing to suit the character.

We also included a monster in our film that is used to scare the group of friends. The look of the monster is loosely based off of the demon, Pazuzu, in The Exorcist. Our look can be found here:

We used a range of shots in our film, the shots that we have used are listed here: . The shot that we have used the most is a medium shot.

The target audience would expect an early death or moment of suspense because that’s a convention for the opening of a thriller or horror film.  Our film lives up to this, but because our audience expects an early death or killing we decided not to share much of the back-story of the characters.  The only thing the audience comes to realise about the characters in our opening scene is that they are a group of naïve teenagers that want to take the risk of playing with a Ouija board and become very unfortunate.

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