Wednesday 18 March 2015

Screen Grabs.


The title of the film
The title of our film is pure white text against a black background. This is conventional to the genre of horror. The title is bold and all in capitals which draws the viewers in because it stands out.

Setting/ location
The location that we films in was actually one of our actors homes. The exterior of the house looks creepy and abandoned which is the perfect setting for our movie.


The costumes that we had for our characters are stereotypical teenager clothing as the group of friends are aged sixteen to seventeen. 

Props (Candles and Ouija board)
The main props we had for our movie was the candles and the Ouija board as the candles illuminate the characters and the room and the Ouija board helps to tell the story. We also use matches after the Ouija board scene.

How characters are introduced
The characters are introduced by having a shot of them walking past the camera. The guy at the front is seen as the leader as he is first in to the abandoned house followed by the geek, the girl, the jock and the dark one.

Camerawork and editing
We used a range of camera work in our opening two minutes. The shots that we have used the most in our opening two minutes are the two shot, a type of shot that has the view of two people, and a medium shot, a camera angle that is shot from a medium distance. 

Title font and style
We have used a  basic white font for our opening two minutes as we didn't want it to look too cheesy. We wanted the text to look quite sinister and also a little sophisticated. The white also stands out against the dark scenery that we have created.

Story and how the opening sets it up
The story is about a group of friends who go to an abandoned house to use a Ouija board. What they don't expect is that they would release an evil spirit by using the Ouija board which kills all of the friends but one who the demon preys on last. The opening sets that up by using the codes and conventions of a horror movie to tell you what happens to the characters. 

Genre and how the opening suggests it
The opening shows that it is part of the horror genre through the scenes like the Ouija board scene as using a Ouija board can be quite dangerous if you summon an unkind spirit. Also the last scene represents the horror genre as we can clearly see the monster that attacks the leader of the group last but has clearly killed or kidnapped the rest of the group.

Special effects
We used very minimal lighting as we wanted to keep a dark scenery which would represent the horror genre also. We used matches and candles to create the eerie glow throughout the whole opening scene. We didn't use any advanced special effects as we didn't need to use them because horror movies can have a very low rate of special effects due to the wonders of imagination, for example: the film Psycho by Alfred Hitchcock is all down to imagination as you don't really see anything.

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