Friday 3 April 2015

Brief Ideas for Next Year.

Trailer Ideas:
  • Horror: Teddy Bears Picnic -Soundtrack. 
  • Shot of London. Time lapse from the London eye. -Going around
  • Horror: Filming in the woods.
  • Using paints?
  • Using the panning shots of old images we didn't use for opening two minutes.
  • Using footage that we didn't use before.
  • Using different actors and maybe more actresses to show more female roles instead of just males.
Imagery Inspiration: 

Promo Poster for The Summoning

I made a simple promotional poster for our movie. This poster would be displayed in cinemas, magazines, social media sites and at bus stops. The candle represents the candles that we used around the Ouija board in our movie. The background is black to make the candle in the foreground stand out.

-Title by Billy Budgen-

What Targets will you set yourself for G324 next year?

Explain how you are going to make progress next year-
Next year I will hopefully be able to expand my knowledge of filming and how to make our filming look even better than we have done this year. I want to find out about different shots we could use besides the basic shots that we have used this year. I would love to find out the different ways that advertising could change everything about a film and how it pulls it's viewers in. We want to make sure that our trailer is filmed quickly so that we can work quickly with the editing so we could focus on more of the work on our blogs.

What would you have done differently and why?-
The opening two minutes that we have worked on as a team this year turned out a whole lot better than i could have ever imagined. I was really impressed with the quality of the acting and editing and even the camera angles and lighting. We didn't always catch the deadlines that we were supposed to but we got everything done in the end and in the best of quality that we could. If I had to do something differently I would have made sure that we had enough planning for our project before we begin to actually film it as we only had two days of filming so we had to rush in to the filming without any real planning that we could go from. I would also change the fact that we didn't represent the stereotypes of our teenagers as strongly as we could have.

What are you aiming for to do in your next production to improve your film making?-
I liked the concept of the opening we did this year which was simple but effective. The cost was very low due to the props being, thankfully, very inexpensive. Billy made our Ouija board and the face paint, fake blood, candles and matched only cost a few pounds. I do agree that the monsters make-up should have been covering a lot more like down his face and his clothes should have also been out of shot but thats another thing we can work on.
I hope, for next year, that we can include some new shots that we haven't used before in our upcoming project to make things in our film a little more interesting. A shot that could be over a period of time could be an interesting shot to use because of the timing process. Using new and improved shots could also help us to achieve a better grade.
Using Adobe Premier Elements 10 was a good move for our opening two minutes as the editing was very smooth and it was just what we wanted for our final cut so we will definitely be using it for our next project. It did take quite a while to learn how to use the software but it was completely worth it for the brilliant outcome we received. Learning some new techniques would be great in preparation for our upcoming project so we could make our trailer look better than our opening two minutes.
We deliberately had a lack of digetic sound as it creates a large amount of tension in the film as a lot of horror films tend to do. We also had limited dialogue to create heightened tension in the film which a lot of horror films also include. For our project next year i would love to include a personalised soundtrack for our film. I had the idea of having a recorded version of The Teddy Bears Picnic but a slower and creepier version would be suitable for a horror movie trailer or including a soundtrack that hasn't been used as much and can be manipulated to how we want it to be.

For next year I would love to create a horror movie trailer because i adore the horror genre and it also seems the easiest to film. I also have a few ideas that could be potential projects for my group and i to pursue for next year.

Social Groups - The Girl.

Our steretypical Girl character Zoe and Violet Harmon (American Horror Story) and Laine (Ouija)

My character of being the stereotypical Girl in our movie is very similar to the characters of Violet from American Horror Story and Laine from Ouija because their characters seem quite brave to take on the burden of something big like a Ouija board. 

Violet in American Horror Story is quite grunge looking and is quite fearless which is what I slightly tried to put in to my character as she is the one that brings the Ouija board to the table which is what Laine's character also does in Ouija. I took inspiration from these two characters because I wanted my character to be like these two because of their bravery and selfless attitudes.

My role in the film is the character who brings the Ouija board to the table so she is seen as quite dark but she also is seen as the stereotypical girl from the way she dresses so no one really expects her to be quite dark inside. Violets character in American Horror Story is of an average teenage girl who lives in a house thats haunted by spirits so she has to defend herself. Laine's character in Ouija is the one to suggest the Ouija board and the one who can see the spirits they have conjured.

Social Groups - The Average Guy.

Similarities and differences between the Average guy and Jesse Eisenberg and Joe Thomas 
The average guy in our film shares a few similarities with other average characters from films produced in the last few years. Foe example Joe Thomas plays an average teenage boy in high school and has to act as such in the inbetweeners and Jesse Eisenberg acts as a guy in his late teens who has to try and not take advantage of multiple opportunities when the end of the world comes around in zombie-land. The average guy in our film is similar to these two because our actor has to act in character which means he has to react and act like a normal teenager would in the given scenario which is a failed Ouija board attempt. The audience can relate to the average guy character in some ways especially teenage boys as he is one both in the film and in real life. This means that a teenage audience would be able to relate more to his character as he is wearing traditional teenage clothing such as a hoodie and jeans and therefore visually the audience can relate to how he is supposed to act and behave.

The attire he is wearing is similar with Jesse Eisenbergs because they are both wearing a shirt with a hoodie over the top, the difference is that our character has his hoodie zipped up whereas Jesse Eisenberg does not. Joe Thomas on the other hand is wearing a traditional school uniform and therefore our character cannot relate as he is not in school uniform at the time of our filming.

How our character acts is also quite similar to the actors he is comparing himself with as they are both supposed to be average/normal guys, this means that they have to act as such, he does this with his reactions as he acts scared and unsure of the idea of the Ouija board which his character stereotypically would do, this means he conforms to stereotypes as he acts in an appropriate matter to the specific sections of the movie.

Who would be the audience for your media product?

Our target audience member is a teenager or a group of teenagers because we believe age wise the horror genre greatly appeals to them especially when out with dates or mates. They would also be into action and thriller films and with the emergence of Disney as a movie studios who appeal to all age ranges they may also watch animated films.

Usually teenagers would shop in a variety of places depending on what they want to buy, for example top-man or primark may be a popular option as they are cheap and the clothes decent enough quality, they would go to either game or HMV to get their games and music.

Teenagers listen to a variety of different types of music and depending on their character, they end up listening to these different types, for example they could listen to pop, rock, indie, country, classical, techno and dubstep.

Favorite TV programmes could be anything including: The 100, American Horror Story, Top Gear, Doctor Who, Lost, Sherlock, The Walking Dead, Grimm, Teen Wolf, Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones,  Spongebob, Match of the day, Hannibal, Jersey shore and the island.

Added Annotations.

The film with annotations added to it after an analysis of all evaluation tasks, the actual annotations tells us specific parts of the story as well as explaining the four concepts in media (mise en scene, camera composition, editing and sound) which we use, the annotations also include the particular audience we are aiming for, whats a special feature of our film as well as the conventions of the genre.