Friday 3 April 2015

Social Groups - The Average Guy.

Similarities and differences between the Average guy and Jesse Eisenberg and Joe Thomas 
The average guy in our film shares a few similarities with other average characters from films produced in the last few years. Foe example Joe Thomas plays an average teenage boy in high school and has to act as such in the inbetweeners and Jesse Eisenberg acts as a guy in his late teens who has to try and not take advantage of multiple opportunities when the end of the world comes around in zombie-land. The average guy in our film is similar to these two because our actor has to act in character which means he has to react and act like a normal teenager would in the given scenario which is a failed Ouija board attempt. The audience can relate to the average guy character in some ways especially teenage boys as he is one both in the film and in real life. This means that a teenage audience would be able to relate more to his character as he is wearing traditional teenage clothing such as a hoodie and jeans and therefore visually the audience can relate to how he is supposed to act and behave.

The attire he is wearing is similar with Jesse Eisenbergs because they are both wearing a shirt with a hoodie over the top, the difference is that our character has his hoodie zipped up whereas Jesse Eisenberg does not. Joe Thomas on the other hand is wearing a traditional school uniform and therefore our character cannot relate as he is not in school uniform at the time of our filming.

How our character acts is also quite similar to the actors he is comparing himself with as they are both supposed to be average/normal guys, this means that they have to act as such, he does this with his reactions as he acts scared and unsure of the idea of the Ouija board which his character stereotypically would do, this means he conforms to stereotypes as he acts in an appropriate matter to the specific sections of the movie.

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