Sunday 9 November 2014

Action Films Target Audience.

                                 The Expendables

 Age:%:              Gender:%:Class%:



From this table we can see that more men go to see action films than women do as the male gender percentage is at 67% whereas the female percentage is at 33%. Action films would appeal more to men because of the explosives and 'manly' content that the directors insert in to each film. 

The average age range for the viewing an action film is fifteen to twenty four as the percentage is at 39%. Action films wouldn't be suitable for children under fifteen because of the violence and swearing within the films. 

More higher class people watch action films than the lower classes do as their percentage is at thirty five percent and the other class bands are below thirty percent. This suggests that the cost of a ticket to see an action film could be more expensive than others.

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