Wednesday 12 November 2014

G321 Preliminary Task.

This is the second film that we have done in media studies. We were set the task of including three different shots and a script within the short film.

The strengths that we believe this short film has are: The camera is held very steady which makes the film seem more smooth to the viewer, the lack of background noise makes the main characters easier to understand and focus on, the more natural cuts between shots make the clip seem like one continuous scene.

In our short film, we used three different shots: Match on action,the one hundred and eighty degree rule and the shot reverse shot. The match on action shot is where the camera is zoomed in on something happening on the screen which is the hand on the handle shot in our film. The one hundred and eighty degrees rule is when the filming never goes the other side of the line of action which is an  imaginary line between the two characters in the scene, in our film it is the part where I walk in and take a seat. The shot reverse shot is when the camera switches between the two characters speaking and it is also an over the shoulder shot, in our film it is when Billy and I are speaking and the camera switches from facing each person when they begin to speak.

The weaknesses within our short film are that when I went to grab the door handle, we should have cut it before my hand reached the handle so it would smoothly cut to the match on action shot of my hand opening the door instead of looking like a freeze frame. Also, when i was walking in we should have changed the camera shot so we wouldn't have spent as much time on just one shot. We could have also put a little more enthusiasm in to the dialogue from both of the characters.

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