Friday 3 April 2015

Brief Ideas for Next Year.

Trailer Ideas:
  • Horror: Teddy Bears Picnic -Soundtrack. 
  • Shot of London. Time lapse from the London eye. -Going around
  • Horror: Filming in the woods.
  • Using paints?
  • Using the panning shots of old images we didn't use for opening two minutes.
  • Using footage that we didn't use before.
  • Using different actors and maybe more actresses to show more female roles instead of just males.
Imagery Inspiration: 

Promo Poster for The Summoning

I made a simple promotional poster for our movie. This poster would be displayed in cinemas, magazines, social media sites and at bus stops. The candle represents the candles that we used around the Ouija board in our movie. The background is black to make the candle in the foreground stand out.

-Title by Billy Budgen-

What Targets will you set yourself for G324 next year?

Explain how you are going to make progress next year-
Next year I will hopefully be able to expand my knowledge of filming and how to make our filming look even better than we have done this year. I want to find out about different shots we could use besides the basic shots that we have used this year. I would love to find out the different ways that advertising could change everything about a film and how it pulls it's viewers in. We want to make sure that our trailer is filmed quickly so that we can work quickly with the editing so we could focus on more of the work on our blogs.

What would you have done differently and why?-
The opening two minutes that we have worked on as a team this year turned out a whole lot better than i could have ever imagined. I was really impressed with the quality of the acting and editing and even the camera angles and lighting. We didn't always catch the deadlines that we were supposed to but we got everything done in the end and in the best of quality that we could. If I had to do something differently I would have made sure that we had enough planning for our project before we begin to actually film it as we only had two days of filming so we had to rush in to the filming without any real planning that we could go from. I would also change the fact that we didn't represent the stereotypes of our teenagers as strongly as we could have.

What are you aiming for to do in your next production to improve your film making?-
I liked the concept of the opening we did this year which was simple but effective. The cost was very low due to the props being, thankfully, very inexpensive. Billy made our Ouija board and the face paint, fake blood, candles and matched only cost a few pounds. I do agree that the monsters make-up should have been covering a lot more like down his face and his clothes should have also been out of shot but thats another thing we can work on.
I hope, for next year, that we can include some new shots that we haven't used before in our upcoming project to make things in our film a little more interesting. A shot that could be over a period of time could be an interesting shot to use because of the timing process. Using new and improved shots could also help us to achieve a better grade.
Using Adobe Premier Elements 10 was a good move for our opening two minutes as the editing was very smooth and it was just what we wanted for our final cut so we will definitely be using it for our next project. It did take quite a while to learn how to use the software but it was completely worth it for the brilliant outcome we received. Learning some new techniques would be great in preparation for our upcoming project so we could make our trailer look better than our opening two minutes.
We deliberately had a lack of digetic sound as it creates a large amount of tension in the film as a lot of horror films tend to do. We also had limited dialogue to create heightened tension in the film which a lot of horror films also include. For our project next year i would love to include a personalised soundtrack for our film. I had the idea of having a recorded version of The Teddy Bears Picnic but a slower and creepier version would be suitable for a horror movie trailer or including a soundtrack that hasn't been used as much and can be manipulated to how we want it to be.

For next year I would love to create a horror movie trailer because i adore the horror genre and it also seems the easiest to film. I also have a few ideas that could be potential projects for my group and i to pursue for next year.

Social Groups - The Girl.

Our steretypical Girl character Zoe and Violet Harmon (American Horror Story) and Laine (Ouija)

My character of being the stereotypical Girl in our movie is very similar to the characters of Violet from American Horror Story and Laine from Ouija because their characters seem quite brave to take on the burden of something big like a Ouija board. 

Violet in American Horror Story is quite grunge looking and is quite fearless which is what I slightly tried to put in to my character as she is the one that brings the Ouija board to the table which is what Laine's character also does in Ouija. I took inspiration from these two characters because I wanted my character to be like these two because of their bravery and selfless attitudes.

My role in the film is the character who brings the Ouija board to the table so she is seen as quite dark but she also is seen as the stereotypical girl from the way she dresses so no one really expects her to be quite dark inside. Violets character in American Horror Story is of an average teenage girl who lives in a house thats haunted by spirits so she has to defend herself. Laine's character in Ouija is the one to suggest the Ouija board and the one who can see the spirits they have conjured.

Social Groups - The Average Guy.

Similarities and differences between the Average guy and Jesse Eisenberg and Joe Thomas 
The average guy in our film shares a few similarities with other average characters from films produced in the last few years. Foe example Joe Thomas plays an average teenage boy in high school and has to act as such in the inbetweeners and Jesse Eisenberg acts as a guy in his late teens who has to try and not take advantage of multiple opportunities when the end of the world comes around in zombie-land. The average guy in our film is similar to these two because our actor has to act in character which means he has to react and act like a normal teenager would in the given scenario which is a failed Ouija board attempt. The audience can relate to the average guy character in some ways especially teenage boys as he is one both in the film and in real life. This means that a teenage audience would be able to relate more to his character as he is wearing traditional teenage clothing such as a hoodie and jeans and therefore visually the audience can relate to how he is supposed to act and behave.

The attire he is wearing is similar with Jesse Eisenbergs because they are both wearing a shirt with a hoodie over the top, the difference is that our character has his hoodie zipped up whereas Jesse Eisenberg does not. Joe Thomas on the other hand is wearing a traditional school uniform and therefore our character cannot relate as he is not in school uniform at the time of our filming.

How our character acts is also quite similar to the actors he is comparing himself with as they are both supposed to be average/normal guys, this means that they have to act as such, he does this with his reactions as he acts scared and unsure of the idea of the Ouija board which his character stereotypically would do, this means he conforms to stereotypes as he acts in an appropriate matter to the specific sections of the movie.

Who would be the audience for your media product?

Our target audience member is a teenager or a group of teenagers because we believe age wise the horror genre greatly appeals to them especially when out with dates or mates. They would also be into action and thriller films and with the emergence of Disney as a movie studios who appeal to all age ranges they may also watch animated films.

Usually teenagers would shop in a variety of places depending on what they want to buy, for example top-man or primark may be a popular option as they are cheap and the clothes decent enough quality, they would go to either game or HMV to get their games and music.

Teenagers listen to a variety of different types of music and depending on their character, they end up listening to these different types, for example they could listen to pop, rock, indie, country, classical, techno and dubstep.

Favorite TV programmes could be anything including: The 100, American Horror Story, Top Gear, Doctor Who, Lost, Sherlock, The Walking Dead, Grimm, Teen Wolf, Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones,  Spongebob, Match of the day, Hannibal, Jersey shore and the island.

Added Annotations.

The film with annotations added to it after an analysis of all evaluation tasks, the actual annotations tells us specific parts of the story as well as explaining the four concepts in media (mise en scene, camera composition, editing and sound) which we use, the annotations also include the particular audience we are aiming for, whats a special feature of our film as well as the conventions of the genre.

How have we progressed?

 Looking back at our preliminary task, you can see how much we have improved our camera work.

  This shot is from our first preliminary task, it was our attempt at a match-on-action. In the video, it feels awkward because the pause between the medium shot of me putting my hand on the handle, and the close-up of me opening it is a little too long.

  In the final film, we also used a match-on-action of Matt, our main character, opening a door. This one looks much more natural as there is no pause, and the next shot is of the door opening from the other side. We also tried to use the rule of thirds in this shot; the white door frame takes up one third and the hand lands on a line of thirds, meaning the eye focuses on it. This makes the shot more visually appealing.

  The preliminary task featured a panning shot of me walking into the room and sitting down. It is boring because it simply follows the character in a medium shot. The panning wasn't really necessary because the action could have all been displayed in a single frame.

  The final film also features a panning shot of characters walking into a room. It is more effective here because it makes us feel more close to the characters. We are discovering what is in the room along with them. The shot also provides a contrast between the bright hallway and dark room. The shot was also too big to fit in a single frame.

  The dialogue in the preliminary task was accompanied by something in between a medium and long shot. It looked bad because it didn't clearly focus on me due to the strange size of shot from the camera we used to film.

  In the final film, most of the dialogue was in shots similar to this. This is a better shot because the high angle makes the characters look vulnerable, and it is a two-person shot which is more interesting to the viewer. The use of lighting is also much improved because it contributes to the atmosphere.

  Here, we used an over-the-shoulder shot to show that I am the main character. The shot it’s self isn't that bad, but in the context of the video it is unclear because the previous shot is an over-the-shoulder of Bill. This suggests he is the main character and confuses the audience.

  The final film also features an over-the-shoulder shot. This one is more effective because Matt’s character has already been portrayed as the main character, for example he was the first one to walk into the house and opened the door to the house and also the candle room. The shot also helps us sympathise with the character because we are also scared and are discovering the room along with him. The length of this shot also helps us feel attached to the character and we want to find out what happens to him.

Monday 23 March 2015

Directors Commentary

This is the directors commentary made over the original clip with all of us talking at different sections about specific parts of the film e.g. mise en scene, camera composition, editing and sound etc., we were tasked with narrating about our film using specific examples of media terminology whilst the film is playing in the background, this allows us to get a proper bit of analysis over the actual film from the people which made the actual film.

What does a production company do?- A production company usually has mass funding and is in charge of most aspects of the filming, usually they take care with the hiring of all essential staff such as the director, producer, screenwriter, actors, marketing manager etc. They are in charge of all the making of the film and when and how they will produce it, whether or not they release more than one trailer or use social media as an important platform to release it on, e.g. trailer on Facebook or YouTube.
 In our film we made the production company IFM studios (independent film making studios), the logo we created is simple but effective with the picture being a non-copyright image as well as the studios bit having a line running above it.

The idea of the distributor and who that might be and why- A distributor usually is in charge of setting a release date for the films release which would benefit the film well in the cinemas, for example if Disney are producing a film at Christmas then the distributor must know that it won't be able to out perform Disney and therefore reschedule the films release for another date. If they are a smaller company they may also have to decide which cinema to release the film in, what company they will use to help them or whether or not they will release it in 3D or on Blu ray. Warner bro's studios is a good example as it makes the films whereas Warner bro's pictures produces it saving the company a larger share of the money.
The distribution company we created was called Triptic films and the logo we created was a shot taken from our original setup with the candles, the actual candles in the few seconds they are on screen change to a different colour (from black and white to colour) which makes the actual company logo look a lot more professional.

Where the money might have come from for a film such as yours- Seeing our film is a horror film its all about the actual suspense and being able to draw audiences in to watch the actual film, unfortunately however when trailers for horror films are usually produced they normally look really good with lots of scary parts in the trailer but when you see the actual film the trailer has ruined it and there is no more scary bits to show. With our film being the opening two minutes we need to try and lure audiences in through scary factors, in our film we did a preview of the what would have been the end of the film, with the cliffhanger at the end providing the perfect opportunity in the next scene to put it back a few weeks before the incident happened so people can relate more to the characters and get to know them more. Money would have usually come through the release of the trailer and through YouTube views or people sharing it on social media.

Why the various people are named in the titles- which jobs appear in titles and in what order and how have you reflected this?- We ended up naming all of the actors who were involved, the particular order in which we did it was chosen because it best reflects the groups input, for example the first three names that come up are of the people in the actual group (Bill, Billy and I), this is because we had the greatest influence on the making of the film as it was our idea and all the mise en scene, camera composition, editing and sound was done by us three. The next three names in the opening are of the other three actors in our group who didn't necessarily have an impact on our films making but were crucial in the filming, Matt was mentioned first as he created the original script which we were supposed to use and therefore in the opening credits it said "written by Matt Cottee".We did however change the script around a bit on the day of the filming as we believed for a horror film the less amount of speech the better as it gives more emphasis on the actual music and the little amount of speech we actually have. The other bit of writing shown said "directed by Billy Budgen" this was because on the day of filming Billy took control of where he wanted the camera to be, what order people should walk, what shot should go after another etc. While the rest of the group made sure that he stuck to the 180 degree rule so the audience don't get disorientated whilst inputting loads of ideas ourselves.

What your film is similar to "institutionally" (name some films which would be released in the same way)-A good film which we can relate our film too is the actual film Ouija which just like ours had a group of friends who use a Ouija board and then suffer the consequences of evil spirits. Unfriended is also a film similar to ours as they are both about spirits and a group of friends who get into trouble from forces beyond their control. These are not the only matters which are similar between our films, for example all three are horror and are aimed at an audience of 15 plus, they all have some sort of malevolent spirit which is unknown and shown in a dark atmosphere. The sounds we used are just like those in actual horror movies with quiet music gradually getting louder and then disappearing completely before the big reveal of a jump scare or the main antagonist character moving somewhere, the short sharp sounds used in horror movies help to create an intense atmosphere, for example in our film there was the door slamming at the start and the leader of the group turning the door handle, this sounds like the actual sound has been amplified as everything else is dead quiet around it, this is good as it brings more emphasis onto the sounds and the growing intensity of the music.

Typical Audience Member

Wednesday 18 March 2015


The camera that we used to film our opening two minutes is a Canon EOS 500D. It is my camera and I am also a photography student so I know how to work the camera. I also taught the others in my group how to use the filming setting so that they knew how to use it if i was not there or if i was in a scene and couldn't be behind the camera. Recording a clip is very simple as you just turn the dial on the top of the camera on the top of the camera to the movie setting and by the screen on the back of the camera is a small button that is clearly labelled as the record button.

Another piece of equipment that I have is a Miranda 500 tripod. Its legs extend twice and the total height of the tripod with the camera on top is about 5 foot off the ground. The tripod allows the camera to capture smooth and steady shots which you can do for taking images and also video. It is not hard to understand how to use the tripod so it wasn't hard for the others to understand.

Adobe Premier Elements 10
The final piece of equipment that we used in our film was Adobe Premier Elements 10. It wasn't majorly difficult to use but we had a few complications along the way of editing our film. Billy was our chief editor. Before we edited our movie we had never used this software. Before we edited the movie we had to learn the basics of the software. Billy did a very good job of editing the movie and it looks professional even though there is a lot more that we could learn about Adobe Premier Elements for the future.

Screen Grabs.


The title of the film
The title of our film is pure white text against a black background. This is conventional to the genre of horror. The title is bold and all in capitals which draws the viewers in because it stands out.

Setting/ location
The location that we films in was actually one of our actors homes. The exterior of the house looks creepy and abandoned which is the perfect setting for our movie.


The costumes that we had for our characters are stereotypical teenager clothing as the group of friends are aged sixteen to seventeen. 

Props (Candles and Ouija board)
The main props we had for our movie was the candles and the Ouija board as the candles illuminate the characters and the room and the Ouija board helps to tell the story. We also use matches after the Ouija board scene.

How characters are introduced
The characters are introduced by having a shot of them walking past the camera. The guy at the front is seen as the leader as he is first in to the abandoned house followed by the geek, the girl, the jock and the dark one.

Camerawork and editing
We used a range of camera work in our opening two minutes. The shots that we have used the most in our opening two minutes are the two shot, a type of shot that has the view of two people, and a medium shot, a camera angle that is shot from a medium distance. 

Title font and style
We have used a  basic white font for our opening two minutes as we didn't want it to look too cheesy. We wanted the text to look quite sinister and also a little sophisticated. The white also stands out against the dark scenery that we have created.

Story and how the opening sets it up
The story is about a group of friends who go to an abandoned house to use a Ouija board. What they don't expect is that they would release an evil spirit by using the Ouija board which kills all of the friends but one who the demon preys on last. The opening sets that up by using the codes and conventions of a horror movie to tell you what happens to the characters. 

Genre and how the opening suggests it
The opening shows that it is part of the horror genre through the scenes like the Ouija board scene as using a Ouija board can be quite dangerous if you summon an unkind spirit. Also the last scene represents the horror genre as we can clearly see the monster that attacks the leader of the group last but has clearly killed or kidnapped the rest of the group.

Special effects
We used very minimal lighting as we wanted to keep a dark scenery which would represent the horror genre also. We used matches and candles to create the eerie glow throughout the whole opening scene. We didn't use any advanced special effects as we didn't need to use them because horror movies can have a very low rate of special effects due to the wonders of imagination, for example: the film Psycho by Alfred Hitchcock is all down to imagination as you don't really see anything.

Thursday 12 March 2015


This is the presentation we made of our film.

This is the feedback that we received from our presentation. 

The comments that we have gotten about our film were very useful and the improvements that were stated have been taken in to mind for our upcoming projects.

All of the comments made had a positive response which we are very pleased about as we had worked very hard on our opening two minutes.

Thursday 26 February 2015

How are social groups represented in your production?

In our film, a group of young friends decide to try out a Ouija board. This can be interpreted as naïve. They walk in to a seemingly abandoned house and continue to use Ouija board. They proceed to talk to the supposed demon inside the house…

The stereotypes that we initially wanted to portray in our film were: The jock, the nerd, the average guy, the ‘dark’ guy and the girl. Each character wears the appropriate clothing to fit their characters, e.g. the nerd wears skinny jeans and a superman shirt and the girl was wearing ‘girly’ type clothing to suit the character.

We also included a monster in our film that is used to scare the group of friends. The look of the monster is loosely based off of the demon, Pazuzu, in The Exorcist. Our look can be found here:

We used a range of shots in our film, the shots that we have used are listed here: . The shot that we have used the most is a medium shot.

The target audience would expect an early death or moment of suspense because that’s a convention for the opening of a thriller or horror film.  Our film lives up to this, but because our audience expects an early death or killing we decided not to share much of the back-story of the characters.  The only thing the audience comes to realise about the characters in our opening scene is that they are a group of naïve teenagers that want to take the risk of playing with a Ouija board and become very unfortunate.

Friday 13 February 2015

The Summoning

How we changed the film whilst filming

At the start of the film we set out with a very complicated idea and had little idea of how we were going to be able to achieve our goal, we did not realize how long it would actually take to film the film and we didn't take into account the actual setting of the film.
We had lots of problems with the setting of the movie, this was because our preliminary idea of filming in the morgue in Chertsey had to be stopped because the day before we filmed there we found out that the morgue was closed for renovations and that no-one was allowed inside or it would be a criminal offence and a fine.
This meant we had to re-think our whole scene as the morgue was very spacious and therefore it would be hard to replicate the space inside the building. Seeing the morgue was shut down we had to look elsewhere to film, this proved to be difficult as all the creepy looking locations we found were either unreachable or un-achievable.
Therefore we decided to film at my house seeing it is an old cottage and therefore it retains some of the creepy factor. It also has lots of cracks and a relatively big dining room where we could do the Ouija scene and it would look quite ominous and creepy with the idea of the candles and the match bringing creepy lighting to the forefront.
The change of scenery definitely impacted onto to our preliminary idea of what shots we would implement into our film. however we tried to work around it and involve the shots we first wanted just at different intervals or different positions. This was especially important when considering the 180 degree rule seeing we don't want to disorientate the audience on where about the characters are in the scene.
The end of the film stayed the same as what we previously wanted with the candles getting blown out, everyone disappearing  and then the match scene where it gets blown out at the end with the monster coming into shot and blowing out the match. However it didn't all go to plan with shot types, we can see this because our initial ideas had lots of birds eye views of the group, we realized shortly into filming that this would be nearly impossible to film as we do not have the correct equipment to do it outside, on the inside however we could get high angle shots but not a birds eye view as the ceiling was 8 foot high and we wouldn't be able to see the screen whilst filming.

Sound Effect research

 Music isn't the only copyright free sound we will need for our film; we will also need sound effects. Like the music, we want the sound effects to be subtle and not immediately noticeable.

  The first sound effect we want is a quiet ambient noise that plays during the 'IFM Studios' image.This is simply to add sound to an otherwise needlessly silent part, and also makes it seem more professional.

  We also need a sound that would come from a ghost (i.e Luke). This noise will appear when the characters are in the hallway, to draw their attention towards the door. Ideally, the sound is a low pitched, echo-y breath.

Shot List of our Movie

  Here is a complete list of the shots we used in our film, along with the times they appear.

00:00:05:29 – 00:00:13:07 - panning up shot. Establishing shot.
00:00:13:10 – 00:00:19:26 - long shot.
00:00:20:03 – 00:00:25:22 - high angle shot.
00:00:25:26 – 00:00:32:26 - over the shoulder. Makes you feel like you are there and adds to the intensity.
00:00:33:03 – 00:00:36:17 medium shot.
00:00:36:21 – 00:00:39:29 - match on action.
00:00:40:06 – 00:00:46:18 – medium shot.
00:00:46:19 – 00:00:54:18 – panning right shot. One of my favourite shots; it is smooth and professional looking.
00:00:54:19 – 00:01:00:20 – high angle shot.
00:01:00:21 – 00:01:05:01 – two person. High angle. There are a lot of high angle shots during the part of the scene in this room because they make the characters look small and vulnerable.
00:01:05:02 – 00:01:10:08 – match on action.
00:01:10:09 – 00:01:12:04 – high angle.
00:01:12:05 – 00:01:14:23 – two person shot. High angle.
00:01:14:24 – 00:01:20:23 – match on action.
00:01:20:24 – 00:01:22:12 – two person. High angle.
00:01:22:13 – 00:01:24:27 – medium shot.
00:01:24:28 – 00:01:33:12 – match on action.
00:01:33:13 – 00:01:34:27 – match on action. Another of my favourite shots because it feels dynamic due to the angle.
00:01:34:28 – 00:01:55:04 – over the shoulder. Panning. Long shot. This shot starts out as an over the shoulder, but as Matt moves it becomes a long shot. The camera pans as Matt walks because the audience is still essentially following his perspective.
00:01:55:05 – 00:01:59:23 – two person close up. A shot that meets the conventions of the horror genre very well. similar shots can be seen in many other horror films.

Thursday 12 February 2015

Movie logo research

The following URL links show a variety of different logos which i have looked at and seen that they could be a good image to strive for to make our movie to the greatest possible standard

Title Research Se7en

For our title sequence we want an eerie and uneasy feeling, and I feel that the opening titles to David Fincher's 'Se7en' captures that mood very well.

From a design standpoint, the font used is effective because it looks hastily scribbled which fits the panic and fear the movie tries to convey. We could use a similar font to set the mood for our film.
  Another thing I like about the titles is the way they flicker. The flickering also adds to the mood; it makes the audience feel uneasy. This would fit the creepy tone we hope to acheive with our film.


Credits research-The Italian job

In our film we want to strive towards something which is fluent and easily slides over the images and movie scenes we have filmed, the Italian job opening has lots of credits which flows simply and easily over the actual footage shown, this helps us get into the film more as there are no intrusive images with writing forcefully put over the top and so it can be viewed much more easily. W also have to be careful of the colors we use as it can't contradict the image, for example white writing on a white sky. What we should be striving towards is something which sticks out on a screen, a good example of this would be the Italian job opening as it has a bright color like yellow and white on a black background so it brings more emphasis to whats being said using the yellow writing. Even any of the pictures they use are in a different and vibrant color so that they will have maximum attention, we should strive to achieve this however seeing our movie is a horror movie we should look for black and white images to conform to the overall feeling of tenseness, The use of colors can be a really important example of how we should gain attention to whats going on through the use of shadows, shades and lighter on darker footage, this will automatically create an atmosphere which will drag the audience into the story.


Cast for the summoning


what we expect him to do- to act appropriately to the theme of the film (horror)

how we expect him to act- he will have to act in an appropriate way as in act scared, terrified, mortified, nervous, tense etc.

How he will incorporate stereotypes into his acting- normal guy means acts nervous of the unknown, a bit tentative to the idea of spirits.


what we expect her to do-We expect her to perform her role to the appropriate standard and she should be able to say her lines in a creepy manner

how we expect her to act- she will have to act in a less scared way because she is the one who brings the Ouija board

How she will incorporate stereotypes into her acting- blond maybe relating to naivety, suggests the idea to the group and is unaware if the consequences.


what we expect him to do- act in character, stay in character, good facial expressions.

how we expect him to act- more scared then most other people there, he will have to use a variety of facial expressions to get his feelings across

How he will incorporate stereotypes into his acting- nerdy character is supposed to be scared of pretty much everything, doesn't want to take part in the ritual, afraid of being left out, forced into everything.


what we expect him to do- perform well as his character, stay as the jock/leader

how we expect him to act- less scared then anyone else as he is the leader and is maybe naive to the possibilities of spirits

How he will incorporate stereotypes into his acting- as the jock he is supposed to e headstrong and doesn't think before he acts, we can see this in our film as he is quick to jump on board the idea of the Ouija board, he would be less inclined to react as he maybe doesn't understand the scenario seeing they are stereotypically stupid


what we expect him to do- he will have to stay as the dark guy, be less scared and more open to the idea of the Ouija board

how we expect him to act- we expect him to act in an appropriate manner where he will stay in character, keep a neutral expression and not be too fazed by anything which happens.

How he will incorporate stereotypes into his acting- as the dark guy he needs to be into the idea of the Ouija board and the dark themes surrounding it, this means that he shouldn't be scared of whats happening, we can see this with his rather subdued reaction


what we expect him to do-give his creepiest face as the monster and to stay in character

how we expect him to act-creepy, spooky, turns up out of no where

How he will incorporate stereotypes into his acting- As the monster he needs to have a scary element around him, therefore his facial features have to be a creepy smile as that it usually what scares people the most, his body language needs to be quite dominating, he can achieve this as he is the tallest in the group and therefore can look down on everyone

Wednesday 11 February 2015

Interviews With Actors

Whilst we were interviewing our actors we found that specific people fit specific stereotypes which you would find in a typical horror film cliché.

Wednesday 28 January 2015


Lions Gate Entertainment Corporation (or Lionsgate) is a Canadian-American entertainment company. The company was formed inVancouver, British Columbia, on July 3, 1997, and is headquartered in Santa Monica, California. As of November 2013, it is the most commercially successful mini major film and television distribution company in North America and the seventh most profitable movie studio. Lionsgate Films is not to be confused with Robert Altman's former company, Lion's Gate Films, although both names refer to the same Vancouver landmark, the Lions Gate bridge.

Lions Gate Entertainment Corporation (Lionsgate) was formed in 1997 by Frank Giustra and Avi Federgreen with a $16 million investment including another $40 million from other investors which included Keyur Patel and Yorkton Securities' executives such as G. Scott Paterson.
The distribution of selected recent non-in-house films for pay-per-view and on-demand are under the supervision of NBCUniversal Television Distribution under Universal Pictures (Universal formerly held home video and television rights to many of the early Lionsgate films), while all others (particularly the in-house films) are distributed for both cable and broadcast television through Lionsgate's syndicated division.

On September 13, 2010, Lionsgate and Televisa formed a joint venture, Pantelion Films, to produce for the next five years eight to 10 films a year targeted for the U.S. Latino market. Lions Gate sold off its Canadian distribution unit, Maple Pictures, in September 2011 to Alliance Films.

On December 23, 2013, Lions Gate announced they have crossed over $1 billion domestically and internationally for the 2nd year in a row with the success of The Hunger Games: Catching Fire, Now You See Me, Instructions Not Included, and Kevin Hart: Let Me Explain.